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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug

Important things to know about bed bugs:

Before these creepy crawlies have you tearing your whole house and bed apart, let’s take a step back and find out what these bed bugs are really all about, with your guide to identifying and getting rid of bed bugs.

Bed Bug

Why are they called bed bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny, about the size of apple seeds. They like to nest in mattresses and snuggle with us all night long. And while termites and bed bugs may not seem identical, they do actually have a lot in common. Make sure you also check for a termite infestation to prevent your home from being severely damaged.


How do you get bed bugs?

Bed bugs feed on our blood and unlike mosquitoes, they can’t fly. So they have to hitch into our bedroom otherwise. One way is by hanging on our clothing, the other is on luggage, and ultimately they end up in bed with you all night long.


How do you know if your house is infested?

If you wake up in the morning and you’ve got some nasty bites, there’s a good possibility they’re around. Bed bugs don’t care if your house is clean or dirty. All they want is a warm human to sleep with. And they can go for months without a meal. And they hang out the most in box springs and mattresses. But they’re not limited to those places. They can live in furniture, clothing, bed boards, and even in wallpaper for months at a time. And once they’re there, they become very difficult to eradicate.

Alarm Clock

When do bed bugs bite?

Bed bugs are mostly active at night when you’re usually fast asleep. They feed on a human by piercing the skin to remove blood using an elongated beak. These bugs feed on blood anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes and once they’re full, they crawl away. While most bed bug bites aren’t painful, you may start experiencing itches all over your body.


Signs of infestation

Unfortunately, bed bugs cannot be noticed with the naked eye and many people don’t even know what they look like. But if you’re aware of the signs, you can definitely help get rid of bed bugs.

Here are some signs you should look out for:

  • Blood stains on pillowcases and Bedsheets
  • Dark or discolored spots of bed bug droppings on mattresses, bed sheets, clothes, and walls
  • Bed bug egg shells, fecal spots, shed skins in areas where they love to hide
  • An offensive, stale odor from the bugs’ scent glands

Treatments for Bed Bugs

Clean Room

Keep Areas Clear

If you have personal items lying around like blankets, soft toys, and electronics, make sure you do not leave them unattended. If you have things lying around your furniture, or even on or under your bed, it can significantly spread the bed bug infestation.

cleaning clothes

Clean Infested Garments and Linen

Garments and linens that are infested cannot be treated with an insecticide. They have to be laundered in hot water around 120 degrees. If you’re not able to give your clothes a wash, you can heat them in a clothes dryer.

bed frame

Disassemble Bed frames

Disassembling bed frames will expose bed bug spots that have been badly infested. And access to these areas are very important. Raise the box spring and light up the gauze fabric to look for the bed bug infestation. If the fabric is already torn, remove it for spraying.


Remove Dresser Drawers

Drawers from desks and dressers should be removed since they love hiding in warm areas like these. Turn your furniture over to check and clean all possible hiding spots. And make sure you keep all furniture away from walls.

While these tips are a great help to get rid of bed bugs, you must understand that a professional pest service is important since some tasks will be difficult to accomplish on your own. There are also important things to keep in mind while looking for pest control service. So make sure you look for an experienced agency that knows how to deal with different pests.
